Serial connector types
Serial connector types


RS232 – DB9 Male and Female Connector Pinout The RS232 standard strongly implies to provide a 23 – pin and D – Type connector in order to support the entire functional utility of RS232. The mechanical identifications of RS232 includes the mechanical alliance of the standard.


Related Post: What is ATMega Microcontrollers & How to Make an LED Project with it?.The authentic RS232 standard implies the maximum length of the cable to be 15 meters whereas the revised standards specify the maximum length related to the capacity per unit length of the cable. According to RS232 standard there are two different lengths of the cable. The line impedance is the resistance between the wires DTE and DCE which should be specifically from 3Ω to 7Ω. Due to these limitations of standard, it helps in decreasing the cross talk with other signals. In RS232 the maximum slew rate is always kept up to 30V/ µs. One of the most significant characteristics is the rate at which the signal level alters, which is called the Slew Rate. Logic “1” is also referred as marking and logic “0” is referred as spacing. Voltages that range between -3V and +3V is referred to as undetermined logic sate. The voltages are paced with respect to ‘GND’, a common ground pin. Generally logic “0” is around +12 volts and logic “1” is around -12 volts. In this logic “1” ranges from -15 volts to -3 volts whereas logic “0” is ranges from +3 volts to +15 volts which means logic “1” is low voltage and logic “0” is high voltage. RS232 was known as TTL logic and therefore RS232 utilizes the TTL specific 5V and GND logic levels. The electrical features refer to the specifications according to voltage levels, rate at which the signal alters and line resistance.


Related Post: Serial Communication by Arduino Electrical Characteristics of RS232 For example, If the number is 011, the parity bit is 0 (0 is even parity 1 is odd parity). There are of four kinds, i.e., even odd, marked and spaced. Parity Bit is the simplest form of checking the errors.Stop Bits are used for a single packet to stop the transmission which is denoted as “T”.It is described as the number of bits passing in one second. For example, if the baud rate is 200 then 200 bits per Sec passed. Baud rate is used to measure the speed of transmission.Synchronous Data Transfer – The mode in which the bits of data are synchronized by a clock pulse.Clock pulse is a signal utilized for synchronization of operation in an electronic systems. Asynchronous Data Transfer – Bits of data are not synchronized by a clock pulse.Modes of Data Transfer in Serial Communication: Parallel Communication– Shooting a target with a shotgun.Serial Communication – Shooting a target with machine gun.It is therefore a relatively slow process than Parallel Communication. When data is transmitted bit by bit, from a transmitter to a receiver by various networking systems, it is known as Serial Communication. Related Post: MAX232: Construction, Operation, Types and Application.It involves two types of communication, serial and parallel. The RS232 standard has been mostly utilized in computer ports. The standard interprets electrical features and important timings of signal and the physical size and points of the connectors. It is basically the process of connecting signals between data terminal equipment (DTE) for example, file server, routers and application servers, such as a modem. RS232 is one of the standard protocol in telecommunication which is used for serial communication of data. Characteristics of Serial Communication:.

Serial connector types